Remember the song "Fill my cup, Lord / I lift it up, Lord"? As a coffee lover, I often fill 'er up! I shuffle from bed right on down to the coffee pot. I don't even have to be very much awake to hit the start button, or to pour the first few cups. It doesn't take much brain power but I sure need it. And then I feel the wakefulness spreading so the next few cups are just for enjoyment.
It's the same with my heart. I can get through a day without reading my Bible, buthe it is not recommended. I've made it easier on myself by installing an app on my phone that reads the Bible to me. Oh, I wait until I'm awake, though! As I get behind the wheel to drive to work, I switch on the app and listen to God's Word read aloud. I feel the life coming into my heart! I also say a prayer and can give my day to God asking Him to use me.
My days go much more smoothly when I ask God to fill my cup and to fill my day. How about you? Do you make time for your coffee but neglect the Word? I'd like to somewhat rewrite a quote I recently saw . . .
"All I need today is a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus!" Please, Lord, fill my heart with YOU!"