Friday, September 13, 2013

I will tell you again . . . and again . . . and again

Philippians Chapter 3 - - THE SPIRITUAL MIND  or  THINGS ROB OUR JOY

"Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord.  To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe."

As we move into chapter 3 of Paul's letter, he gives them some basic reminders.  We all need basic reminders from time to time.  The first reminder Paul gives his fellow Christians is to "rejoice in the Lord."  This world we live in is not so very different from the world Paul lived in when we are referring to the basics of life.  People are just people . . . no matter when or where they live.  Strip away the technology of today, set aside the modern conveniences and just compare apples to apples.  People are the same.  We all have the natural tendency to focus on ourselves.  We look at every situation from the perspective of "how does this affect ME?"  We are the center of our own little universe.  Remember Lucifer the Angel of Light?  He was all about his own agenda.  When you sit back and really think about it, the people you know who are the most self-centered or self-focused are NOT the happiest people you know.  They are always offended, always suspicious of the intentions of others, and most often just not happy.

Now think about the people you know who are the happiest or the most content.  They are the people who are dedicated to serving others!  The mom who is working to train her children is much happier than the mom who is always reacting to the bad behavior of her children.  The volunteer who serves others but receives no paycheck is far happier than the person who is paid a very high wage but hates their job.  When our focus is on the Lord Jesus Christ and we are doing things with His kingdom in mind, we will always be much more at peace and have much more genuine joy.

Because Paul's focus was on helping these Christians grow in the Lord, he did not even mind going over the same lessons again and again if that is what they needed.  I remember when my kids were little and I was working and tired and stressed out with their natural behavior.  I would become so frustrated and so impatient when I had to keep telling one of them to do the same thing again and again.  "Sit down in the shopping cart.  I said, 'Sit down.' I'm not telling you again.  Sit down in the shopping cart.  You better listen to me!"  Yes, there was the concern for their safety, but when they didn't listen and obey me I became focused on the reactions of others around me.  Were they judging me?  Did they think I was a bad parent?  Later on when I learned some better behaviors about training my children, I didn't lose my patience with them or my temper nearly so often.  When I changed my focus to training their hearts I didn't mind telling them the same thing over and over until they mastered it.  Paul is doing the same thing here.  He is reminding them of some things he knows they know, but he is patient about it.

Rejoice in the Lord.  Look at things from a new perspective!  That person who cut me off in traffic . . . didn't just inconvenience me because I had to touch the brakes a little.  Perhaps they are having a really rough day and just weren't paying attention.  That person at the store who is pitching a blustery fit . . .  just maybe they are scared and hurting and their behavior is their attempt to control at least one little situation in their day.  When I stop filtering everything through the filter of "how does this affect me" and turn my thoughts around to "what does Christ think of this situation" MY reactions will be utterly and completely the opposite of what they were before!

There was a science focused TV show that our son loved to watch.  One of the hosts of the show often said, "I reject your reality and substitute my own."  Try that today in your own life.  Take a deep breath and stop reacting to how people treat you.  Look at them and their actions through the filter of "Jesus loves that person."  It's pretty hard to be aggravated with someone when you realize their behavior is caused by self focused sin.  It is far easier to be patient with someone when you remind yourself that Christ died on the cross for that crouchy bugger.  Did you get a flat tire?  Rejoice! Perhaps God wants you to cross paths with a certain person at the garage.  Did someone give you a dirty look?  Rejoice!  You have an opportunity to witness to them through your reactions!  Is your spouse or your child jumping on your very last nerve?  Rejoice!  God is trusting you to respond in a manner that points them back to God.

Paul didn't mind going back to the simple lessons and teaching them again, because his focus wasn't "Why can't they just learn what I've taught them a thousand times?"  But his focus was "They are trying and I have another opportunity to guide them."

When I  am looking at everything through a spiritual filter instead of a selfish filter, I can rejoice in anything.  "Great peace have they that love Thy law, and nothing shall offend them"  Psalm 119:165

1 comment:

  1. Great information in your blog. I know it is all scriptual and you have a way with words.
